The Right Questions

Asking the right questions makes all the difference!

I received a lead for a young couple looking for a self-determined amount of term life insurance.  It would have been easy to simply provide a quote and take the order.  However, by using an advisor approach which begins with asking the right questions about their current and future needs and wants, I was able to determine the specific dynamics of their situation and the challenges I would face in presenting proper solutions.  More importantly, answering my questions helped them better understand the magnitude of the family’s difficulties should either die prematurely and that they needed much more coverage than they had previously thought.  After addressing the short and long-term concerns with appropriate solutions, the family decided on a “layering strategy” of term and permanent life insurance that included a long-term care benefit.  They were very thankful that someone knowledgeable took the time to understand and address their specific situation and explain the limitations of solving them with a cookie-cutter, term life-only approach.  As a bonus, the premium and the resulting commission were ten times what they would have been had I just taken their order!